Database management

Database structure.
The relationship between the various elements are stored in separate data daatabase based on one of the few structures or logical data models. Software DBMS (Database Management System) is designed to use specific data structures in order to give the end user quick and easy access to the information stored in the database. Five basic structure of the database includes model hierarchical, network, relational, object-oriented, and multidimensional.
Hierarchical structure; DBMS software,. Early use of hierarchical structure, which makes the relationship anatar notes forming a hierarchical or tree-like structure. In the traditional hierarchical model, all cartatan are dependent, and is set in a multi-level structure, composed of the root note and a number of subordinate levels.
Network structure; tissue structures to represent more complex logical relationships, and is still used by some mainframe DBMS software. This structure allows a many-to-many relationship between records, in other words, the model of the network can access the data elements to follow one of several paths, as elements of the data or any record can be linked to many other data elements.
Relational structures; models Realational model is the most widely used of the three structures database. This model is used by most DBMS software, microcomputers, and medium-scale systems and mainframes. In the relational models, all data elements are stored in the database is seen in the form of simple tables.
Multidimensional structures; multidimensional database structure is a variation of the relational models that use multidimensional structures to organize data and present relationships between data.Anda can visualize multidimensional structures as boxes and boxes of data in a data grid. Each side of the box is considered as a dimension of the data.
Object-oriented data structures; model object-oriented database is considered to be one of the key technologies of the new generation of Web-based multimedia applications.
Object-oriented data structures; model object-oriented database is considered to be one of the key technologies of the new generation of Web-based multimedia applications.
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