integrated into the E-Business modules are responsive, they are investing in
the framework of decision support applications based on data that helps them
respond quickly to changes in market conditions and customer needs.
be successful in business today, companies need information systems that can
support the needs of decision-making and a variety of information from managers
and business practitioners. In this section, we will discuss in more detail how
this is achieved by various types of informai management systems, decision
support, and other information systems. We will focus on how the role of the
Internet, intranets and other information technologies to support Web-based
decision-making activities of every manager and worker are knowledgeable in the
Decisions, and Management
that the type of information needed by decision makers in a company is directly
related to the management decision-making levels and the amount of structure in
the decision situations they face. You should be aware that the classic
managerial pyramid framework can still be applied today to the organization
downsized and leveled no hierarchy or organizational structure. Management
decision-making levels is still there, but the size, shape, degree of
management decisions that must be supported by information technology in
organizations that are successful.
Generally, the board of directors and executive committee consisting of the CEO
and top executives develop a common organizational goals, strategies, policies,
and objectives as part of the strategic planning process. They also oversee the
performance and strategic direction of the organization within the overall
political, economic, and competitive business.
More and more business practitioners in the independent team and business unit
managers who develop short-term plans and medium term, schedule, and budget as
well as determine the policies, procedures, and business objectives for their subunits
in the company. They also allocate resources and monitor the performance of
their organizational sub-units, including departments, divisions, process
teams, project teams, and working groups.
Team members independently or operational managers develop short-term plans
such as weekly production schedules. They direct the use of resources and the
performance of duties under the procedure and in accordance with the budget and
the schedule they set for the team and other groups working in the
are the characteristics that would make the product valuable and useful
information for you. One way to answer this important question is to examine
the characteristics or attributes of information quality. Information is
ancient, inaccurate, or difficult to understand will not be very meaningful,
useful, or valuable to you and other business practitioners. We need
high-quality information, ie, information products have characteristics,
attributes, or qualities that make information more valuable. Information is
deemed necessary to have three dimensions, time, content, and form. Illustrated
is a summary of the most important attributes of quality information and
classify it into three dimensions.
Decision Structure
made at the management level tend to be more structured, while a decision on a
more tactical level semi-structured, and decisions on the strategic level is
not structured. Unstructured decisions involve situations where the procedures
to be followed when a decision is needed, it can be mentioned earlier. Decision
reordering supplies faced by most businesses is one such example. Melibakan
unstructured decision-making situation in which there may specify earlier
decision regarding the procedures to be followed. However, most decisions are
semi-structured. That is, some decision procedure can be specified, but not
enough to lead to a recommended decision. For example, decisions regarding the
launch of the new E-Commerce or make major changes will be in the range on
employees structured to semi-structured.
information systems must be designed to produce a variety of products to meet
the information needs of the decision makers change within the organization.
For example, decision makers at the strategic management level can use the
decision support system - DSS, for emndapatkan tejadwal reports, ad hoc and
more concise, forecasting and external intelligence to support their planning
predetermined with emphasis on the comparison of the old data and the present
responsibility to support those who are more structured for daily operations.
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